Bearing Witness: Four Days in West Kingston
In May 2010, the “Tivoli Incursion,” a standoff between Jamaican security forces and a local drug trafficker and community leader wanted for extradition by the United States government, resulted in the death of at least 75 civilians in West Kingston, Jamaica. This exhibition was part art installation, part memorial, and part call to action, and shed light on those events through video and audio footage featuring firsthand accounts of people directly impacted by the violence. Members of Super Commons worked on this gallery from concept to install as part of an in-house design team at the Penn Museum.
Roles: Interpretive Planning, Editing, Graphic Design, Multimedia Interactive Development, Production Management, Installation
Curators: Dr. Deborah Thomas, the R. Jean Brownlee Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, Junior “Gabu” Wedderburn of AV Productions and Deanne M. Bell, Senior Lecturer Psychology, University of East London
Partners: Penn Museum, Varun Baker