The Ruins at High Battery
Fort Mifflin is a Revolutionary War-era fort located in Philadelphia. In 1867, after the end of the Civil War, construction was started on a concrete and earthen bulwark on the fort’s western side that was never completed. Today this overgrown section of the fort, known as The High Battery, is filled with detritus and crumbling structures whose origins are difficult to discern. It is a rich blend of colonial and post-industrial ruin.
The Ruins at High Battery consisted of many different interventions scattered throughout this landscape that ranged in scale from structures you could enter to small objects you could easily miss. The intent was to amplify the area’s strangeness and to provide visitors with an experience of disorientation and surprise.
Roles: Super Commons member Ben Neiditz created this for the 2013 Hidden City Festival
Partners: Zach Webber
Media: Newsworks Atlas Obscura Streets Dept